
circle of Michael Dahl, ? Elizabeth Hussey

Photo courtesy of Dave Penman (All rights reserved)


Country House
Doddington Hall
? Elizabeth Hussey
Brown Parlour
Medium and support
Oil on canvas
Overall height: 124 cm, Overall width: 100 cm
circle of Michael Dahl (1659-1743)
Catalogue Number


Although the sitter in the present portrait and the sitter in a full-length portrait in the Great Hall (DN2) are both identified traditionally as Sarah Hussey Apreece, a comparison between the faces of the two sitters suggests that they cannot be the same person. Rather, it is suggested here, the present portrait (which does not have a sitter’s name inscribed) does not represent Sarah Hussey Apreece but her younger sister, Elizabeth (1688–1724), the sitter in DN23, also hanging in the Brown Parlour. Indeed, a comparison of the facial characteristics of the young women in DN22 and DN23 suggest that they are the same person. Assuming that the present portrait is of Elizabeth Hussey, it can be dated to around 1705–10, when Elizabeth was between seventeen and twenty-two years of age. The portrait is attributed here, on stylistic grounds, to an artist in the circle of the Swedish-born artist Michael Dahl (1659–1743).

by Martin Postle

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