
attributed to Arthur Pond, Rhoda Delaval

Photo courtesy of Dave Penman (All rights reserved)


attributed to Arthur Pond, Rhoda Delaval, with frame

Photo courtesy of Dave Penman (All rights reserved)


Country House
Doddington Hall
Rhoda Delaval
? c.1750
Drawing Room
Medium and support
Oil on canvas
Overall height: 78 cm, Overall width: 64 cm
attributed to Arthur Pond (c.1705-1758)
Catalogue Number


The sitter has been identified in the past as Sarah Hussey Delaval (1760–1800), later Lady Tyrconnel, daughter of Sir John Hussey Delaval, married to George Carpenter, second Earl of Tyrconnell (1750–1805) on 3 June 1780. If the sitter is Sarah Hussey Delaval, it cannot have been painted before c.1780, yet the portrait looks much earlier. A comparison with James McArdell’s engraving after Rhoda Delaval’s lost self-portrait, ‘Mrs Astley’ (fig. 1),1 indicates that the sitter is indeed Rhoda Delaval (1725–1757), in which case the portrait would date to about 1750. Comparison can also be made with the portrait by Arthur Pond at Seaton Delaval of around 1750, depicting Rhoda Delaval seated with a book.2 The costume in the present portrait may be related to the Delavals’ theatrical exploits and interests. Although it is probable on balance that the portrait is by Arthur Pond, an attribution to Rhoda Delaval is not inconceivable.

circa 1751. Mezzotint, 33.4 × 23.2 cm. National Portrait Gallery, London (NPG D563).

Figure 1.
James Macardell after Rhoda Delaval, Rhoda Delaval, circa 1751. Mezzotint, 33.4 × 23.2 cm. National Portrait Gallery, London (NPG D563).

Digital image courtesy of National Portrait Gallery, London (All rights reserved)

by Martin Postle


  1. NPG D562.

  2. NT 1276704.


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