
Unknown Artist, Storming of Algiers

Photo courtesy of Dave Penman (All rights reserved)


Country House
Doddington Hall
Storming of Algiers
Long Gallery
Medium and support
Oil on canvas
Overall height: 87 cm, Overall width: 107 cm
Unknown Artist
Catalogue Number


The date of the painting is unknown but it appears be from the seventeenth century. It may have descended through the Gunman family, who owned several of the sea pieces in the collection, or possibly the Delaval family, which also had strong naval credentials. Although the identification of the subject as the storming of the citadel at Algiers, on the north coast of Africa, would appear to be correct, the precise occasion is uncertain. It may relate to the failed siege in 1541 by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, although the painting itself is later – possibly mid- to late seventeenth century.

by Martin Postle

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