
Giovanni Bagutti, West Wycombe Park: interior decorations: design for an interior, section of wall

Photo courtesy of Rodolfo Acevedo Rodriguez (All rights reserved)


Country House
West Wycombe
West Wycombe Park: interior decorations: design for an interior, section of wall
Unframed, drawings chest outside Library, location 240 on Dashwood list, AP 14, Witt 941/5 (48)
Medium and support
Ink on paper
Overall height: 25.5 cm, Overall width: 11.5 cm
Giovanni Bagutti (1681-after 1730)
Catalogue Number


Despite the different, more classicising architectural vocabulary in this design – Corinthian capitals, obelisk and ball elements above the cornice and roundels within square panels below– this is the same draughtsman at work. The faces of the emperors within the carved roundels have the same elongated noses as the faces in the previous two drawings and are similar to the faces in the fresco roundels on the east portico.

by Clare Hornsby

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