Upper Story
in the Main House to the West
Right Hand Room, or Little Wardrobe
No. 1. A Stitch’d carpet 18 by 12 ffeet.
2. A Turkey Do. 15½ by 9
3. Another Do. 12½ by 7
A Wilton Carpet . . . 15 by 7
Nine Pieces of Tapestry, the Story Hero & Leander.
2 . 9 .. 9 by . 14 - –
3 . . 9 .. 9 by . 18.–
4 . . 9 .. 9 by . 5 .. 6
5 . . 9 .. 9 by . . 7 .. 6
6 . . 9 .. 9 by . . 4 ..–
7 . . 9 .. 9 by . . 7 .. 6
8 . . 9 .. 9 by . 4 ..–
9 . . 9 .. 9 by . 12 .. 6
One piece of Arras or painted canvas belonging to the above story
9 .. 9 by 9 .. 4~
Eight pieces of Tapestry representing Horsemanship.
No. 1 . 18 .. 0 by . 11 – 0
2 . 16 .. 0 by . 11 .. 0
3 . . 14 .. 6 by . . 11 .. 0
4 . . 12 . .. by . . 11 .. 0
5 . . 11 .. 6 by . . 11 .. 0
6 . . 10. – by . . 11 .. 0
7 . . 10 . . by . . 11 .. 0
8 . . 7 .. 6 by . . 11 .. 0
An Odd Piece of Tapestry of a different Subject from the rest 11F.0I by 9F: 0I
2 pieces of blue Sattenet Hangings of a Gold & brocaded Flower 11 by 8 Feet each.
4 Pairs of window Curtains & vallens of the same sattenet.
8 Covers for Chair Seats 8 [or 9?] Covers for chair backs, a cover for a __ stool & 2 covers for Window Seats all of the above Sattenet.
Upper Story continued
Little Wardrobe continued
138 Yards of yellow silk Damask Hangings containing 34½ Breadths & each Breadth 4 Yards, it has all been clean’d.
60 Yards of Broad Orrace Lace.
56 Yards of Narrow Orrace Lace.
56 Yards of Green Velvet Hangings One third of which is of no Value.
66 Yards of Yellow Mohair Hangings it has all been clean’d.
9 Yards & ¼ of Crimson velvet in 2 Remnants.
9½ Yards of yellow Silk & Worsted Damask.
A Yard & ½ of Crimson Velvet with a Yellow Ground.
28 Sheets of India Hanging Paper, Chinese Figures & Cattle.
100 Sheets of India Hanging Paper of the Pheasant Pattern.
32 Sheets of India Paper . bordering to the above Sheets.
A 4 Post Bedstead with Brown flowered Linnen Furniture ~ compleat.
A Flower’d India Silk Casting Quilt.
A crimson Satten Casting Quilt wrought with Silver Twist.
An India Dimity Counterpane Chain stitch’d.
A Brown Holland Counterpane work’d with knotting.
7 Pieces of blue & white flower’d Chintz variegated with Silver.
A Crimson Satten quilted Counterpane lin’d with Persian Silk.
A White Satten Casting Quilt_
A flower’d India Silk Casting Quilt.
3 Pieces of Needle work’d Canvas for Chair Backs & Seats partly work’d.
A Caparison Cloth of Leopard Skin, the Hair off in places & much Wormeaten. ~
A Saddle Cloth of Leopard Skin trimm’d with Silver, the Hair much off.
2 Bed Chairs with one Cover.
A wanded cradle, 2 Mattresses & 6 Pillows to Do.
2 Old Furniture Trunks.
An Old white Satten Casting Quilt lin’d with Red & White Burdet.
An Iron Lock & Key.
2 Check’d Linen Window Curtains. ___
Upper Story continued.
Passage on the Left Hand
12 Chairs gilt Frames cover’d with crimson Velvet & Check’d Linen Cases.
2 Elbow Chairs with Do Frames & Cases.
4 Stools with Do. Frames & Cases.
Bed Chamber on the Left Hand
A 4 Post Field Bedstead with red & white serge Furniture compleat.
A Feather Bed, a Bolster, a Pillow, 3 Blankets, a flower’d Linen Quilt & a White Linen Mattrass.
A Four Post Field Bedstead with Red & White flower’d Cutton Furniture compleat.
A Feather Bed, a Bolster, a Pillow, 3 Blanketts, a white Satten Quilt & a White Linen Mattrass.
4 Chairs cover’d with Green Mohair.
A Long Deal Cloaths Chest with Bottom Drawers, Lock & Key.
A Deal Case with 3 Drawers.
An Oval Wainscot Table cover’d with blue cloth.
A black Dressing Table
A Looking Glass in a black Frame 17I & ½ by 22I
A Yellow Silk Damask Cushion & Back to a Chair
A Piece of blue cut velvet in Quantity about 4 Yards.
A Cushion of Do. Velvet.
The Paper Hangings of the Room compleat.
An Iron Lock & Key.~
Upper Story to the East.
A blue velvet chair, gilt Frame belonging to a Set in the State Drawing.
5 Chairs coverd with Yellow Silk Damask Cushion Backs & Seats & check’d Linen Cases to all.
3 Crimson Silk Damask Chairs, stuff’d Backs & Seats & red Serge Cases.
4 Crimson shaded silk Damask Chairs, stuffd Backs & Seats.
Bed Chamber adjoining the Passage.
A 4 post Bed Stead with Red & White Serge Furniture compleat.
A Feather Bed, a Bolster, a Pillow, 3 Blankets a flower’d Linen Quilt & a check’d Linen Mattrass.
A 4 Post Field Bedstead with Green Silk Damask Furniture.
A Feather Bed a Bolster, a Pillow, 3 Blanketts, a flower’d Linen Quilt & a check’d Linen Mattrass.
A Long Deal cloathes Chest with Bottom Drawers.
A Deal Case with 3 Drawers.
4 Old Chairs cover’d with Orange colour’d worsted Damask
An Oval Wainscot Table cover’d with Green Cloth.
A Deal Dressing Table
A Looking Glass with a black Frame 29½ by 23 Inches.
Papers Hangings of the Room compleat.
An Iron Lock & Key.
6 Old Looking Glass Frames with some Pieces of Glass in them.
2 Large French Plate Branches, Balance Weights & Lines.
3 Artificial Marble Slabs.
Painted Chamber Floor.
Crimson Silk Damask Bed.
Chamber to the west.
A Grate as fixt a Fire Shovel Tongs Poker Bellows & Brush.
A 4 Post Bedstead with Crimson Silk Damask Furniture fring’d & ~ furbelow’d with Feathers at the Corners, compleat.
A Feather Bed, a Bolster 2 Pillows. 4 Blankets a Crimson Silk Damask Counterpane, a check’d Linen Mattrass a Dimity Do. & a white Holland Do.
5 Pieces of Crimson Silk Damask Hangings.
A Pair of Lutestring Window Curtains, lin’d with yard wide stuff & a Rod to Do. ~
2 Pair of Crimson Silk & Worsted Damask Window Curtains lin’d Do. with Rods.
A Pair of Crimson Silk Damask curtains, Cornish vallens & a Rod to the above.
4 Pieces of Tapestry Hangings, Tartary & Chinese Figures.
4 Chairs, stuff’d Backs & Seats cover’d with Crimson shaded silk Dama[sk] & check’d Linen Cases.
2 Easy Chairs cover’d as above with check’d Linen Cases
An old Japan’d Table.
A black marble Table on a Gilt Frame.
A Walnut Tree Oval two Leav’d Card Table with Drawers.
A Pier Glass in a Gilt Frame, the Bottom Plate 32 by 21 Inches.
A Broken Chimney Glass in Do. Frame.
An Oval wainscott Table cover’d with crimson velvet.
A Landskip over the Door.
A Portrait over the Chimney Piece.
An India Cloaths Chest on a Japan’d Frame with a Lock & Key.
A Bell as fix’d. __
Dressing Closet to the last Room.
2 Stools cover’d with Crimson Silk Damask & check’d Linen cases.
A Square walnuttree Dressing. Table.
A Dressing Glass in a Black Frame 25 by 19 Inches.
A Walnuttree Writing Desk on a Frame.
Paper Hangings of the Room compleat.
Painted Chamber Floor continued.
Servants Room adjoining
A small Bedstead with half Canopy, Furniture of old brown silk Damask
A Feather Bed a Bolster a Pillow, 3 Blankets a flower’d Linen Quilt & a White Linen Mattrass.
3 Pieces of Old Green Camblet Hangings.
A Deal Cloaths chest with Drawers Lock & Key.
An Oval Wainscot Table.
A Matted Chair.
Green Silk Damask Bed Chamber.
A Stove Grate, A Fire Shovel Tonge & Poker.
A Bedstead with Green Silk Damask Furniture compleat.
A Feather Bed a Bolster 2 Pillows 4 Blankets a Green Silk damask Counterpane a check’d Linen Mattrass, a Dimity Do. & a white Linen Do.
A Wilton Carpet to go round the Bed.
4 Pieces of Tapestry Hangings.
2 Pairs of Green Lutestring Window Curtains with Stuff Linings Cornishes Vallens & Rods.
A Red Marble Table on 2 carv’d Brackets.
An Oval Wainscot Table cover’d with blue velvet, 6 Chairs cover’d with Green Silk Damask Cushion Backs & Seats with check’d Linen cases.
An easy Chair with Cushion & Do. Case.
A Pier Glass in a Mosaic Frame the Bottom plate 42 by 26 Inches
A Chimney Glass in a black & Gilt Frame the Middle Plate 40 by 20 Inches & the 2 Ends 5½ by 20 Inches with a pair of carv’d & Gilt~
wood sconces.
A Small kneeling Stool cover’d with Green velvet.
An India Cabinet on a black Frame.
A Portrait over the Chimney Piece.
3 Landskips over 3 Doors
2 Bells as fixd. _
Painted Chamber Floor continued.
Dressing Closet to the last Room.
The India Paper Hangings of the Room, compleat.
A Walnuttree Beauroe & Book Case.
A Dressing Table with a Green Velvet Cover gold lac’d.
A Dressing Glass in a Silver wash’d Frame 29 by 16 Inches, the moulding of one Side wanting.
A White Gause Shade Gold flower’d for the above Glass
2 Square India double dressing Boxes.
2 small Octagonal Do.
A Green Lutestring Festoon Window Curtain
An Elbow Dressing Chair cover’d with Green velvet
2 Stools cover’d with Green Velvet.
A Walnuttree Card Table with Drawers.
A Landskip over the Door.
Little Yellow Silk Damask Bed Chamber to the East
A Grate as fix’d, a Fire Shovel Tongs Poker & Brush.
A Bedstead with Yellow Persian Silk Damask Furniture all compleat.
A Feather Bed a Bolster 2 Pillows 4 Blankets a Yellow Silk damask counterpane, a check’d Linen Mattrass, a Dimity Do. & a white Linen Do. _ 5 Pieces of Tapestry Hangings.
A Pair of mixt Damask window curtains with Stuff Linings & a Gilt Pulley Rod.
A pair of Alcove Curtains of the above Damask with Cornish & vallens
2 pairs of Yellow Lutestring window Curtains with Stuff Linings & Gilt Pulley Rods.
5 Chairs Mahogany Feet, stuft Backs & Seats cover’d with yellow Silk Damask & check’d Linen Cases.
An Elbow Chair cover’d Do. & Do. Case.
A pier Glass in a Gilt Frame, the Bottom Plate 33 by 22 Inches
Painted Chamber Floor continued.
Little Yellow Silk Damask Bed Chamber to the East continued
A chimney Glass in a Gilt Frame, the Middle Plate 38 by 18 & the 2 Ends 8 by 18 Inches each.
An India Cloaths Chest on a Japan’d Frame with a Lock & Key
A white Marble Table on a Gilt Frame.
A Wainscott Oval Table cover’d with Yellow Velvet.
2 Walnuttree Oval two leav’d Card Tables with Drawers.
A Portrait over the Chimney Piece.
A Landskip over the Door
2 Bells as fix’d
Dressing Closet to the last Room.
A Mahogany Beauroe
A Dressing Table with a Yellow Velvet cover silver laced.
A Dressing Glass broken in a Walnuttree Frame 22 by 14 Inches.
2 Stools coverd with Yellow Silk Damask.
2 Oval Japan’d Dressing Boxes.
A Round Comb Tray, Cup & Saucer of red Japann’d Ware.
A Piece of Painting in a Gilt Frame.
2 Pieces of India Paper Hangings.
Servants Room
A small Bedstead with Green Serge half Canopy Furniture compleat.
A Feather Bed, a Bolster a Pillow, 3 Blankets a flower’d Linen Quilt & a white Linen Mattrass.
3 Pieces of Green Serge Hangings.
A Deal Cloaths Chest with Bottom Drawers Lock & Key.
A small Looking Glass in a Silver wash’d Frame 12½ by 10½ inches
An Oval Wainscot Table.
A Matted chair.
Painted Chamber Floor continued.
Great Yellow Bed Chamber.
A Stove Grate Fireshovel Tongs & Poker.
A Bedstead with Yellow Silk Damask Furniture compleat.
A Feather Bed a Bolster 2 Pillows 4 Blankets A Yellow Silk Damask Counterpane a checkd Linen Mattrass a white Dimity Do. and a white~
Linen Do.~
4 Pieces of Tapestry Hangings
2 Easy Chairs & Cushions cover’d with Yellow silk Damask & check’d Linen cases.
2 Chairs Cushion Backs & Seats, cover’d Do. & Do. Cases.
2 Pairs of Yellow Silk Damask window Curtains with Stuff Linings, Cornishes Vallens & Rods.
A Marble Table on carved Wood Brackets.
An Oval wainscot Table coverd with Yellow Velvet.
A Pier Glass in Mosaic Frame the Bottom Plate 43 by 26 Inches.
A Chimney Glass with a Pair of carv’d & Gilt Wood sconces, the middle Plate 40 by 20 & the 2 Ends 8 by 20 Inches.
A curious Tent stitch’d Fireskreen in a walnuttree Frame.
A Wilton Carpet to go round the Bed.
A large Cloths Chest curiously inlaid with Wood of various colours.
A Portrait over the Chimney Piece.
2 Landskips over the Doors.
2 Bells as fix’d.
Dressing Closet to the last Room.
A Dressing Table with a Yellow Lutestring Cover.
A Dressing Glass in a Silver wash’d Frame the moulding of one side wanting, 29 by 16 Inches.
A Pair of Yellow Silk Damask Window Curtains Cornish Vallens & Rod.
India Paper Hangings of the Room compleat.
A Walnut tree oval Table with Drawers.
A Walnuttree writing Desk with Drawers & a fframe.
4 Chairs cushion Backs & Seats cover’d with yellow Silk Damask & check’d Linen Cases.
An Elbow Dressing Chair cover’d with Do. and Do. Case
Painted Chamber Floor continued
Dressing Closet continued.
2 Stools coverd with Do. & Do. Cases.
A large square red India Dressing Box.
2 Small Do.
A round red India Comb Tray.
A round red India flowerd dressing Box.
2 Red India flower’d Saucers.
A Purple Gause Shade with a Gold Flower for the Dressing Glass.
Grand Painted Anti Chamber.
12 Antique Marble Bustos standing on 12 carv’d & Gilt Wood Terms
2 Large Egyptian Marble Tables on carv’d & Gilt wood fframes with Leathern Covers.
Two large yellow antique Marble Tables on Iron Brackets wth. Do. Covers.
10 Elbow Chairs cover’d with Crimson Silk damask with Cushions & check’d Linen Cases _
A Billiard Table cover’d with Green Cloth & a Leather Cover lin’d with Green Baze
4 Ivory Balls 12 Masks 2 Kews & a long Stick
Musick Gallery.
2 Red Morocco Leather Settees.
20 Brass Locks & 5 Keys on this Floor~
West Attic Story over the long Passage.
Crimson Silk Damask Bed Chamber on the Right Hand.
A Grate, Fireshovel Tongs & Poker.
A Bedstead with Crimson Silk Damask Furniture compleat.
A Feather Bed a Bolster a Pillow 3 Blankets a white Linen Quilt a check’d Linen Mattrass & a white Linen Do.
4 Chairs Cushion Backs & Seats cover’d with blue mohair.
A Stool cover’d with Do.
An Easy Chair cover’d with Crimson Plush, the Cushion wanting.
A Dressing Glass with Walnuttree Drawers 22 by 13 Inches.
A walnut tree Dressing Table with a Drawer.
A Walnut tree Chest of Drawers with Locks & Key.
A Triangular Table cover’d with Green Cloth Paper Hangings of the Room compleat.
A Walnuttree Cloaths Chest with Bottom Drawers.
Little Bed Chamber on the Left Hand.
A small Bedstead with old Stuff Curtains & Rod.
A Feather Bed a Bolster, 3 Blankets & a Rug.
A check’d Linen Mattrass.
A Dressing Table.
2 Matted Chairs
3 Prints.
2 Brass Locks & 2 Keys in these Rooms.
East Attic Story over the long passage.
Blue Serge Bed Chamber on the left Hand.
A Grate, Fireshovel, Tongs, Poker Fender Bellows & Brush.
A 4 Post Bedstead with blue serge Furniture compleat.
A Feather Bed a Bolster 2 Pillows 3 Blankets a flower’d Linen Quilt & a check’d Linen Mattrass.
2 Pairs of blue serge Window Curtains Vallens & Rods.
A black Beauroe.
A walnuttree Chest of drawers. Another Do. Dressing Drawers.
A walnuttree oval Table. 2 Matted Chairs.
An Easy Chair & Cushion.
A Looking Glass in a black frame 27 by 20 Inches.
A painted Crucifix _
East Attic Story continued.
Little Green Bed Chamber. On the Right Hand.
A Grate Fireshovel Tongs Poker Fender Bellows & Brush.
A Bedstead with Green serge Furniture Compleat.
A Feather Bed a Bolster a Pillow 3 Blankets a flower’d Linen Quilt & a check’d Linen Mattrass.
2 Rush’d Bottom’d Chairs.
An Elbow Chair.
A Looking Glass in a Mahogany Frame 12 by 9 Inches
An Old flat Writing Desk
4 Pieces of old [‘Green’ inserted] Stuff Hangings.
An Old Serge Window curtain & Rod
An Old damag’d Picture.
Closet to Do.
A Turnup Bedstead with Green Serge Curtains
A Feather Bed a Bolster 3 Blankets & a flowerd Linen Quilt
A Walnuttree Escrutore on Drawers
A black Chest of Drawers
An Old Matted Chair
Old Green Stuff Hangings.
One Brass & 2 Iron Locks & Keys to these Rooms
Principal Floor.
Grand Hall.
A Grate, a Fireshovel Tongs & Poker.
4 Oval Sconce Glasses in carv’d & Gilt fframes 27 I. by 22 Inches.
A large Marble Statue
Another Do.
Another Do.
Another Do.
Another Do. opposite the Fireplace
Another lesser Do. over the last.
Another lesser Do. over the Chimney Piece
A black marble Figure over the Hall Door Way
Another Marble Figure in the West Vestible.
4 Marble Bustoes on 4 carv’d Stone Terms.
4 Marble Bustoes in the Breaks over & opposite the Fire place.
2 Round Marble Urns & covers over the Stair Cases in the East & West Vestibles.
4 Chinese Nail’d Mahogany Chairs with Cushions & check’d Linen Cases.
Vestible Corridore Passages & Stair Cases.
A large square Mahogany two leav’d dining Table 6 feet by 4F .. 4I
A large Oval Mahogany two leav’d Do. 6F .. 3I by 4F .. 7I
One lesser Do. 5F.10I by 4F .. 6I
One large wainscot oval two leav’d dining Table 7F .. 6I by 5F .. 5I.
A Mahogany Claw Foot Cistern Stand.
10 Morocco Leather Chairs Brass nail’d.
A Seven Days Clock.
10 Glass Lights & Bell Glasses as fixt with Brass Sockets two Bells broken.
A Glass Lantern Ballance Weight & Line
Principal Floor continued.
Corridore Closet.
A Leathern Case containing the following French Plate Vizt. A large Cistern 11 Covers for Dishes & Plates, 5 Pairs of common round Candlesticks, 2 Pairs of large gadroond Candlesticks & 2 Pair of Com~on[TILDE OVER M, PLEASE, INDICATING DOUBLE M] square Do. __
Two Glass Globes for Side Board Lights.
5 Brass Flat bottom’d Candlesticks 3 large watch Light Do. & one Do. broken & 8 pair of Steel Snuffers.
An oval Looking Glass with a Brass Branch 21 by 15 Inches.
5 small pieces of Agate.
2 Pairs of Step Ladders.
A Deal Furniture Chest containing the following plate.
A Silver Candle Sconce __ weight . . . . . . 40oz 0dwt.
One Do. . . . . . . . 37 .. 15
One Do. . . . . . . . 37 .. 12
One Do. . . . . . . . 40 .. –
One Do. . . . . . . . 40 .. .
One Do. . . . . . . . 31 .. –
One Do. . . . . . . . 37 .. –
One Do. . . . . . . . 30 .. 5
One Do. . . . . . . . 38 –
One Do. . . . . . . . 38 .. 4
One Do. . . . . . . . 36 .. 17
One Do. . . . . . . . 40:–
One Do. . . . . . . . 37 .. 5
One Do. . . . . . . . 38 –
One Do. . . . . . . . 15 . 1
One Do. . . . . . . . 13 .. 8
One Do. . . . . . . . 16 .. 8
One Do. . . . . . . . 16 .. –
One Do. . . . . . . . 22 .. 15
One Do. . . . . . . . 22 .. 2
One Do. . . . . . . . 18 .. 5
One Do. . . . . . . . 18 .. 7
One Do. . . . . . . . 15 .. 9
One Do. . . . . . . . 14 .. 15
A Pair of Dogs for Wood ffires with Figures & Ornaments
. . 361 .. 1
A pair of cupids . . . . . . . . 41 .. 16
A warming pan . . . . . . . . 39 .. 0
Total Silver – 1136 .. 2
A pair of ffrench Plate Sconces
A Green Silk Umbrella
Principal Floor continued
A Stove Grate Fireshovel Tongs & Poker.
2 Sconce Glasses in Carved & Gilt Frames 22 by 16 Inches each.
2 Large foreign Marble Side board Tables on Iron Frames with Green Baze covers.
2 Derbyshire Marble Side Board Tables on Iron Brackets.
Another Do. fix’d in a Niche.
2 Marble Bustos on 2 Marble Collums.
2 Do. on 2 carv’d wood Terms
2 Marble Groups representing Lyons & Buffeloes on 2 wood pedestals
3 Marble Bustos on the Chimney Piece & Side Board Tables.
2 Marble Statues on wood Terms
4 Pieces of Painting over the Door Chimney Piece & Niche.
4 Do.in Gilt Frames.
6 Small Do. in black frames.
2 Chinese Raild Mahogany Chairs with Cusions & check’d Linen Cases.
A Bell as fix’d.
Tapestry Drawing Room.
A Grate with all its Fixtures a Fire shovel Tongs & Poker.
4 Pieces of Tapestry Hangings representing a Roman Triumph.
4 Red Canvas Case Curtains & 4 Rods to the above Hangings.
3 Pairs of Crimson Silk Damask Window Curtains with Stuff Linings___ Cornishes Vallens & Rods.
2 large Pier Glasses in carv’d & Gilt Frames the Bottom Plate of each ~
41 by 27 Inches.
2 Fine Marble Tables on carv’d & Gilt fframes with a Leather Case to each.
A large Porphyry Sideboard Table on a carv’d & Gilt Frame with a Green Baze Cover.
8 Mahogany French Elbow Chairs stuft Backs & Seats cover’d with ______ Crimson flowers velvet & Crimson Serge Cases.
A large India Furniture Chest on a Gilt Frame.
Two Marble Bustos on Wood Terms, 2 smaller Bustos of black red & other Colour’d Marble on 2 Marble Collums all antique.
An Allabaster Urn & cover.
Upon the Chimney Piece
An Owl
In Cast Metal on Ebony Pedestals
A Bull
An Hawk
A fine Persian Carpet 5 yards by 25/8 yards worm Eaten.
A Portrait over the Chimney Piece in a carv’d & Gilt Frame.
2 Pieces of Painting over the Doors
A Bell as fixt. – -
Principal Floor continued.
State Drawing Room.
A Pair of Dogs for Wood Fires with bronz’d Metal Figur’d Fronts
A Fireshovel Tongs & Poker.
4 Pieces of blue velvet Hangings with 4 blue Canvas Case Curtains & Rods
3 blue Lutestring festoon Window Curtains.
11 Chairs Gilt Frames stuft Backs & Seats cover’d with blue velvet & blue Serge Cases
2 Easy Chairs cover’d Do. & Do. Cases
2 Large Pier Glasses in carv’d & Gilt Frames the Bottom Plate of each ~ 58 by 25 Inches
A curious inlaid Italian Cabinet on a carv’d Gilt Frame with a Green Baze Cover.
2 Foreign Marble Tables on carv’d and Gilt Frames with two ~
Leather covers.
A large Foreign Marble Sideboard Table on a carv’d & Gilt Frame with a Leather Cover.
2 Marble Bustos on Wood Terms.
2 lesser Marble Bustos on the Marble Tables.
An Allabaster Urn and Cover on one of the Marble Tables.
2 Marble Bustos on the Chimney Piece.
A small allabaster Statue
A Group of Figures
In Bronze.
Another Do.
A fine persian Carpet 7¾ Yards by 25/8 Yards, Worm eaten.
A Portrait over the Chimney Piece.
2 Pieces of Painting over the Doors.
A Bell as fix’d. ~
Principal Floor continued.
State Bed Chamber.
A Fireshovel & Tongs.
A 4 Post Bedstead with Crimson velvet Furniture Gold laced and fringed with Plumes of red & white Ostrich Feathers all compleat
A Feather Bed a Bolster 2 Pillows 4 Blankets a Counterpane of Crimson Velvet embroidered with Gold Lace, a large check’d Linen Mattrass & a white Linen Do.
A Shaded Velvet Bedside Carpet—gold laced
10 Mahogany French Chairs stuft Backs & Seats covered with Crimson flower’d velvet trimm’d with Gold Lace & Crimson Serge cases to all.
3 Lutestring festoon window Curtains with stuff Linings and ~
3 Cornishes
5 Pieces of Brussels Tapestry Hangings & 5 red Canvas case curtains & Rods to Do.
2 large Pier Glasses in carv’d & Gilt fframes the Bottom Plate of each 47½ by 24½ Inches.
2 Allabaster Tables on carv’d & Gilt Frames with a Leather Case to each
A large Walnuttree Cloaths Chest with Drawers Locks & Key.
A small antique marble Busto on the Chimney Piece.
2 Pieces of Painting over the Doors.
A view of venice over the Chimney piece.
A Bell as fixt. _ _ _ _
Principal Floor continued.
State Dressing Room.
A pair of polish’d steel Dogs & an Iron Hearth with Brass Feet.
A Fireshovel Tongs & Poker.
4 Pieces of Tapestry hangings, a Roman Story with 4 red Canvas case curtains with & Rods.
3 Crimson Silk Damask Window Curtains & carved Cornishes.
6 Mahogany French Chairs stuff’d Backs & Seats, cover’d with Crimson flower’d & silver Tissue ground velvet with crimson Serge Cases to all.
A Wainscot Dressing Table with a Crimson silk Damask cover gold laced & fringed.
A Dressing Glass in Silver wash’d Frame the Bottom Plate 15 ~
by 19 Inches.
2 large Pier Glasses in Gilt Tabernacle Frames the Bottom Plate _
of each 48 by 28 Inches.
2 foreign Marble Tables with Gilt Brass Mouldings on carv’d & Gilt _ Frames with a Leather cover to each.
2 Gilt wooden cups under the above Tables.
A large Side board Table curiously inlaid with various Kinds of foreign Marble on a carv’d & Gilt Frame with a Leather Cover.
An Old India Cabinet on a Frame with a Frize Cover.
2 small Marble Bustos on the Chimney Piece.
A small Male Statue
All in Cast Metal & on Ebony Pedestals on the Chimney Piece.
A small Female Do.
A small Horse . .
A Family Portrait over the Chimney Piece
2 Pieces of Painting over the Door.
2 Views of Venice over the Pier Glasses
A Gold Tassel to the Bell.