[Nov*s] 1760 An Inventory of the Goods at Doddington
1.in the Hall No 1
three dining tables of different sizes
twenty Elbow Chairs
Nine cushi[o]ns
four other Chairs with leather seats
A large old Settee or Land Saddle
A Bell Fixt[ure]
a P[air] of Dogs
old Billiard screen leather
5 Bucks Horns
2. Parlour No 2
two card tables
one mahogany table
two Sconce Glasses in Gilt frames with brass armes
two pictures framed
ten cane chairs
one wooden [Ditto]
a Grate brass tongs Shovel and Bellows
three P[airs] of blew camblet window curtains & rods
a Marble side board table on a frame
a brass Lock to the Door
3. the Drawing Room No. 3
A Turkey Carpet Tapestry Hangings of the room
A Landskip
two Historical Pictures
A Pier Glass Gilt frame and brass arms
two pair of Green Camblet Window curtains and rods
ten chairs covered with flowered Velvet and Cases
a couch with a Squab and three Pillows covered with rich Embroidery and Stuff Cases
an inlaid table
a brass fire Shovel & tongs
a grate
a four leaf indian screen
a double case brass lock to the door
4. No. 4 Room on the Left hand going up The Great Staircase
A Bedstead with Quilted Linnen, Furniture and Silk needlew–ork Counterpane
A Feather Bed Bolster and two Pillows
three Blankets and a Linnen Quilt
four matted Chairs
a Wainscot chest of drawers
A Glass in walnut tree frame & armes
one Picture framed
two large pair of Window Curtains & rods
the Stuff hangings of the Room and two cane Chairs
- No. 5 the passage Room on The great Stair case
A Bedstead with a half Teaster & yellow chin[ese] Furniture
a feather Bed and bolster
two Blankets and a cover lid
Some Stuff hangings & an old writing table
- No 6 The Bedchamber adjoining
Tapestry Hangings of the Room
a Glass in a walnut tree frame
A dressing table
A dressing Glass
A Japan[e]d Cabinet on a frame
A Lady in a Gilt frame
a Large history pic[ture] [in a] black frame
A four post Bed with a fine wrought ir[on] furniture Lin[e]d with yellow threed sattin and [Ditto] Counterpane
A Feather Bed Bolster & two Pillows
three Blankets
a quilt
a mattrass
four matted Chairs
one Elbow [Ditto] & [Cas*]
a grate, fire shovel, tongs & poker
one pair of d[i]aper window curtains and Rod
a wainscot close stool and pewter pan
A brass lock to the door & some Stuff hangings and Matting in the closet
- No. 7 Long Dinging Room
two Red Japan[ed] card tables
two pair Glasses in [Ditto] frames
an india tea table
an oblong dining table
twelve Pictures framed
four matted Chairs, 2 old
6 leaved paper screens
2 Small Glass Sconces
3 [Pairs] [of] Yellow China Window Curtains and Rods
A large Steel Stove, Shovel, Tongs and Poker
1 Cane Conch
Squat Bolster Pillows
A Small Old Looking Glass
A Walnut Table
Chest of Drawers w[ith] Folding Top
- In Closet N. 8
1 Wains[cot] Table
Two Old Chairs
1 Close Stool and Pewter Pan
1 P[air] [of] Window Curt[ains] and Stuff Hanging
1 Old Spice Box
- Closet No. 9
Blue Stuff Hangings
1 Old Chest of Drawers
1 Cain Chair
2 Tables
1 P[air] [of] Old Window Curtains and Rod
1 [Wall**] Linnen [Pr**]
[***door] and Shelves
No. 10 Another Closet by the Dining Room
Yellow Stuff Hang[ings] and Matting, and an Old Window Curtain and rod
No. 11 Bedchamber – end of Din[ing] Room
Tapestry Hang[ings] 1 Small Table
1 [Ditto]
a Glass with Brass arms, frame broke
1 Large His[tory] Pict[ure] Framed
1 old Chest of drawers
an easy Chair Cushion Case
2 Skreens
A Grate, fire Shovel, Poker, Tongs and Broom
A 4 Post Bedstead with wrought Furniture lined w[ith] striped Gingham
1 Feather Bed Bolster
2 Pillows
3 Blankets
1 old Quilt
1 P[air] [of] White diaper window Curt[ains] and rod
Little Dining Room No. 12
12. Wallnut Chairs Leather Seats, 1 Clock Wallnut
mahoga[ny] dining Table 1 Pillar and Claw
[Ditto] Table
1 Wainscott Square Table
1 Old Tea kettle, Stand Broke
1 Candle Stand
Chimney Glass, Glass Arms
A Grate Fire
Shovel, Poker, Tongs, fender Bellows
a Turkey Carpet
2 P[air] [of] Red curt[ain] windows and rods
a Lady in G[uilt] Frame
3 Other Pic[tures] Framed
A mahog[any] Dumb Wait[er] and 2 Brass Locks in the doors
No 13 –
A 4 post Bed Stead and Fur[niture] a Feather Bed Bolster and 3 Pillows, 3 Blankets and 1 Quilt
1 Wallnut Beaureu with Glass Doors
A Jap[aned] Beareau with drawers
Chamber Table
small Flat [Ditto]
3 matted Chairs
an easy Chair Cushing Case
1 Port[rait] Framed
2 P[airs] [of] Blue China Window Curtains and Rods.
[Pla*] Hangings
a Dressing Glass –
No 13 Continued
A Grate shovel tongs poker fender & Broom
an iron Chest
an old Chest of drawers
a small bedstead and furniture
feather bed Bolster & pillows
three Blankets and a Quilt,
a dressing Glass
Japan[ed] frame
a piece of Old Carpet
two brass locks to the Doors,
Passage Room Adjoining No 14
An Old Oak Chest
one Ditto
Linnen Hangings & mattinga
walnut Tre[e] Escrewtore & Old Frame
five Cushions and the Coverings for two seats. –
A Closet Within No 15
A Wainscott Chest of Drawers with Folding Doors
a Japan[ed] Cupboard on a frame,
a Black table
two Matted Chairs
a Copper Japan[e]d bottle Cistern
a plate basket,
two other baskets
three boxes
a leather [Ditto]
three boxes of shells & a small japan[e]d box,
an old lute in a case
a tin Coffe[e] pot
a [Ditto] boyler
a wooden bottle
a wainscot box,
a Large deal [Ditto]
a stone pitcher
two large sets of Shelves with Drawers to [Ditto]
a sett of shelves for Books
the stuff hangings of the closet
Nine prints fram[e]d & Glaz[e]d
a mapp
one [Ditto] of the Roads
two small Quilting frames
a hand Glass frame
Six wooden dishes
Twelve [Ditto] Trenchers
a Cushion
two india Comb trays
a little box with small brass weights
a small pair of scales
four drinking horns a punch sadle
a Backgammon Table, dice box &
a box iron
two heaters & a stand
a wainscott Glass tray & Sundry of things of Little Value
Two Mahogany Bottle Boards and a New pewter pye Dish
Books in The Same Closet
Oglebys Virgil Folio
three Volumes of acts of Parliament
Ray on Birds
Plinie’s Natural History Fol:
Uclides, Geometry Fol:
Don quixote,
Love’s Masterpiece
a small bible
fifteen other bound books & some Pamphlets
Plate in The Same Closet
One Large Caster weight, 13oz 4st
China in The Same Closet
Two pares of blue and white Dishes with Quilted border
one Ditto dish
One of blue and white Dish
one large sallad dish one pare of small fruit dishes
Nineteen blue and white plates with Quilted border
three soup plates
one quart bason
one pint [Ditto]
one punch bowl (broke[n])
blew and white Tea pot two Chocolate cups
five Coffe cups
Six of tea cups
and six Saucers (2 of them Broke[n])
a spoon boat
twelve small saucers,
two reed tea pots
one china dish (broke[n])
on[e] large soup dish crack'd and a white Group of Figuers broke[n] –
Delf & e in The Same Closet
Eight Delf plates
two [Ditto] Soup plates
one porringer & cover
one bason
a small Jar
three bottles
one pickle Plate
three strainers
four Large dishes (one of them Broke[n])
one tea pot
a large blue flower pot
four Earthen handbasons and Seven Chamber pots
one stone dish
two [Ditto] Juggs
one [Ditto] with a silver rim and some other od pieces of earthenware of Little value
Glass in the Same Closet
Eight stands for deserts & one Cover
one fruit basket
Eighteen Jelly Glasses
Eleven Handled Ditto
two jelly bub cups (damaged)
four sweetmeat glasses with Covers
Eight od Pieces of glassware
three tops
one salt
Sixteen wine glasses, different Sorts
Seven Long glasses
Fifteen Large water glasses)
three drinking Mugs (two of them Broke[n]
Four Quart Decanter
Two pint Ditto
Four od Cruets and some other pieces of glass
A Powdering tub on a Delf frame and a small table in the same passage
- Bed Chamber N. 16
The green Stuff hangings of the room and Matting
an Old Table
a Chest of Drawers
two dressing Glasses
two Old Chairs
a four post Bedstead with furniture
A feather bed bolster and two pillows
three Blankets and a Linnen quilt
A Grate tongs poker fender and brush
A Picture of a Dog Fram'd
three pair[s] [of] green Camblet window Curtains and rods
a wainscot table
A four posted bedstead with a Wrought Divinity Furnitur[e]
A feather bed bolster and two pillows
three blankets & a work'd Counterpane
A Check[ed] Mattrass and an old bedstead feather bed & bolster
two blankets & a Quilt with a Blue back in the Closet
- Bedchamber 2 P[air] Stairs N 17
Brown Paint[e]d Hangings of the Room
A p[air] of Dogs
Fire Shovel & Poker
a Chest of Drawers
a Table
four Old Chairs
one Old Chair and some Hangings in the two Closets and two broken Close stools
A Field bedstead with blue Furniture
a Feather Bed and Bolster
two Blankets and an Old Quilt
- The Cooks Room N. 18
A Bedstead with green furniture
a feather Bed & Bolster
one pillow
two old Blankets and a Quilt
an Oak Chest
an Old Chain & a Small Stand
- Maid’s Room N. 19
Two Bedsteads and Curtains
two feather beds
two bolsters
four Blankets
two rugs
an old Matterass & 6 Cushions
one Chair
a Long binn
A desk & old bedrod
- The Next Room N. 20
A bedstead with Reed stuff furniture
a feather bed bolster & Pillow
two blankets and a rug
a Straw Mattrass
A Chest of Drawers
4 Old Chairs
Two Old Tables
two oak Chests
an old packing Case
2 Old window Curtains and Rod
a screen
Stuff Hangings of the Room
5 Pair[s] of Dogs
A Bell and a Deal box
Some Old iron and lumber
- Long Gallery N. 21
Two presses
two Large Tables
five iron barrs in one of the Chimneys
three Old Trunks
Four Chairs
two stools
two bolding boards & props
three bowles & one Jack
three pictures, no Fram's, and several other od things
- Room at The End of The Long Gallery N. 22
A bedstead with Brown Cloth Furniture
a feather bed a Bolster two Blankets and a rug
A Table
two dressing boxes and four Chairs
- A Closet & Lumber Room N. 23
A Black cabinet & frame
a Deal box on a frame
three sett of Corner shelves
an old weather glass, broke[n]
one stool
three old frames
a parcel of old iron rods
two Iron Barrs and a Sword
- A Room in The Long Gallery N. 24
A Bedstead with Divinity work'd furniture
a feather bed and bolster
three Blankets and a rug and three Chairs
- A Room at The Top of The Great Stair Case N. 25th
A bedstead with a yellow furniture
a feather bed & bolster
two bad blankets
One Chair and the stuff Hangings of the Room
- Room on The Left Hand No. 26
Two Bedsteads and furnitures
one other Bedstead with Green Curtains
four feather beds
two bolsters
two flock bolsters
Six very Old blankets & three Ditto Coverlids
two Chairs and an Oak Chest
Some Old Cloth Curtains for a bed and Counterpane, and some other old Curtains, and part of an Old bedstead
- The Kitching No. 27
Twenty Nine Pewter Dishes
Nine [Ma*arines], and one Pewter Cheese Plate
Eight Doz[en] Pewter Plates and one Doz[en] and a half of Soup [Ditto]
one two Quart Pewter
Wine Measure
Two pint [Ditto] Measures & two [Ditto] small measures
a pewter Caldron and Funnel
three Drinking Copper pots
two tin Coffe pots
a Copper Chocolate pot & Mill
two Copper Pye panes
one Copper Fish Kettle and Cover
three Copper Preserving pans and one Brass [Ditto]
a pair of Brass Seales and four Brass weights
five old Saucepans
two boyling pots and Covers
three large Brass panes
two [Ditto] Sefs
A brass Callender
four Stew pans
an old warming pan
A Brass scumer & Slice
five pare of Brass Candlesticks
twelve other Brass Candlesticks snuffers and stand and two Extinguishers & Snuffers pan
A Brass & Chasin Dish & heater
several pieces tin ware
a pare of Brass Branches and three Old Brass patty pans
A Jack with wheels & four large weights
Nine Spitts
Six [*arke] Spitts
an iron [Dr**ing] and Frame
two Stewing Stoves sett in the Brickwork and the Ironwork of two more not sett, & two Trivets
A Large Shovel, Tongs, Poker and Fender
a Fender, Shovel a Grid Iron
A Toster
A Beef fork
A toasting fork
two Large Spitt racks and hooks
two Cranes and three pot hooks
a Large rainge with 6 Barts, Checks and Iron Back
two small racks
two Cleavers
two Chopping knives
A sallamander
A Pig iron
a Bele stilliard and Weight
6 white Chairs
a plate rack
A Trencher Rack and Eight Day Clock in a Black Case
two old Blunder Bushes
a Salt Box
a Tin Drudger
one Baking hook
an iron fire horse
four iron skewers and frame
one fire trivet
two Bell Mettle Morters
one iron pestle & one block
One Lanthron
one tea kettle
a Copper Boyler and Brass Cock
three Elbow Chairs and four others
two Stools
two small tables
one forme
a Large Bell-Mettle Kettle Sett in Brickwork, with Lead & Ironwork to [Ditto]
A napkin beater
three Dressers
one Drawer
A paste pin
A pare of garden sheers
a handled Trive[t]
a hanging iron
three flatt irons
one Box iron
two heaters & a Stand
a knife Tray
ten knives
Six forks
A Leaden pump and a Large Ciste[r]n Lined with Lead in the Passage Near the Kitchen Door
- Lardour No. 28
Two flower sieves
a small Churn
two Choping Blocks
a Large salting traye Lined with Lead & Frame
a piece of Lead
two Dressers
one hanging shelf
- Servants Hall No. 29
A Dressing in two parts
one table
two rods
two Old Curtains
two large Oak Presses with Doors and shelves
A P[air] of Large Dogs
an iron oven peel & raker
An Oak Chest
a long Deal seat with 3 binns in it
a small rainge fixt[ure]
a Large Trivet
A Spice box
A Deal Cupboard
three wooden bottles
a small Old Looking glass
The iron work of an old Still
- The Pastry No. 30
The Pewter top of an Old Still
two tables
three old Chairs
a large forme
a Large Oak settee
four Brass Cocks
four shelves
two old tin Cake Hoops
two [*cl*ke] stones
two Old Close Brushes
2 Raspers
A Large Bell fixt[ure] up in the passage
A Glass Lanthron in Ditto & a wainscot folding Table
- Pantry No. 31
Eleven Old Leather Buckets
One Chest
two tables
two Old Broken Guns
a wigg block
an ironing board and Trussels
three stone Bottles
a wicker stool
an Old Cloaths basket and one Chair
- Preserving Room No. 32
A Buff leather Coat & wais[t]coat, Trim'd sword and Belt
A Comparison Colours armes & two old tea boards
one hand weighter
a mahogany knife Box
one Marble Morter
Two pestles
a large Beam and Seales
one Glass Sconce
a Box with about 22 Old brass sconces and some Old Iron
two Oak Chests
two Horse Cloths & two Old Budles
One wainscot press with Dores and Shelves
one Large Deal Ditto with Six Doors and Selves
one small wainscot Ditto with Doors, shelves and drawers
one Table
a Plate basket lined with tin
a small nest of drawers
a small Pewter Limbeek with a Brass Cock
several Pieces of tinware
a Hairtrunk
a Bread Peel
a parcel of Shelves & two Pewter Close Stool Pans
- Stewards Room No. 33
Chest of Drawers
3 oval Table
4 Cain Chairs
1 Elbow
2 P[air] [of] blue Stuff window Curt[ains] and Rods
1 small range fixed
fire shovel, Tongs, Broom
2 side Hooks
[Hang***] matting
Coffee mill in Closet
A Deal Table and wicker Stool in [Ditto]
- Brew House No. 34
1 Large Copper
1 Large mash Tub and Stand
1 Large Cooler
5 Tubs
1 malt mill
1 Futt & Shovel
1 [Fu*ing]
2 Spouts
1 apple Trough and Stamper
4 Old Barrels
- Wash House No. 35
1 Copper fixed
1 Fire Fork
1 old Stand
2 Dressers
- Laundry No. 36
2 Old Dressers
1 old Table
1 Stand
1 Iron Skrew Jack
1 Old Washing Tub
1 old [G****]
- Dairy and Other Places No. 37
2 Cheese Presses
1 Old Table
1 Dresser
4 Shelves
1 Dough Trough and Scraper
1 Cloth[e]s Horse
1 Corn Bing in the Stable
5 Beer Stands in Cell[ar]
2 Shire Rollers and 6 Leaden Cisterns in the Front Court
1 Table
3 malled Chairs
some stuff Hanging in Porters Lodge
2 old Ladders 2 Doz[en] ½ of Roll
old Iron and Sundry old Lumbring Rings above The House
- Linnen No. 38
1 White Cotton Counterpain
2 P[airs] old Holland Sheets
2 P[airs] old Sheets
5 P[airs] of Old Flaxen [Ditto]
6 Pillow cases
4 Coarse diapers
Table Cloths 2
Huckaback [Ditto]
2 Doz[en] Napkins
3 old Damask Towels
7 Hand Towels
2 old Dresser Clo[c]ks
6 Dusters
2 very old Table Clocks
2 Jack towels and Piece of whi[te] Dimity
All The Goods and Things contained in The Foregoing Inv[entory] consisting of 7 pages are appr[aised] with [the] Sume of Two Hun[dred] [and] Twenty Two Pounds one Shilling and Six Pence by T. Goolding.
Related catalogue items from Doddington Hall
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Sarah Hussey Apreece
Godfrey Kneller, c.mid–1690s
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The Angel Appearing to Hagar and Ishmael
Marcantonio Franchesini, c.1705
Doddington Hall
Anne Hussey Delaval, Lady Stanhope, and Sir John Delaval in a Performance of 'The Fair Penitent' by Nicholas Rowe
attributed to Benjamin Wilson, ? 1767