of the Pictures
in Petworth House,
the seat of the Earl of Egremont,
by Henry Phillips, Esq;
to which is prefixed
a View of the Mansion,
a private lithographic print,
from a drawing by Mrs Phillips,
and subjoined
a Plan of the principal Apartments.
The Collection of Pictures at Petworth House
The North gallery
1. Portrait of Pope Pius VII. copy b –– WL – Copy by Simpson from Sir Thos Laurence
2. Portrait of Calvin –– HL
3. Portrait of Luther –– HL
4. The Thames & Windsor Castle. Composition –– Turner
5. The Thames & Weybridge. Composition –– Turner
6. Swimming horses at Brighton –– Bourgeris
7. A Hawk on some Barn door Fowls –– Hondecoeter
8. Tabley. The Tower on the Lake –– Turner
9. Prospero & Miranda –– Thompson
10. Colosseum
11. The Invention of Music –– Barry
12. Portrait of Lord Macartney –– H – Sr Jos: Reynolds
13. Portrait of Mrs Robinson –– WL – Bl[*]ese
14. Landscape –– Hobbima
15. Portrait of Oldendorpius –– HL
16. Landscape with Cows, sheep, goats & figures (very sketchy – Gainsborough
17. The Circumscision – Bronzino
18. The selling of Joseph – Sebastian Bourdon
19. Chalk sketch of Lady Burrell –– H – Sr Thos Laurence
20. A Cavern with a little view of the Country – old Teniers
21. Evening approaching: Thames near Windsor. men dragging
a net Ashore –– Turner
22. A sea view: a Dutch fishing Boat coming in
men of war in the distance –– Callcot
23. Landscape. composition –– C. Fielding
24. Sleeping Venus. & Cupid –– J. Hoppner
25. View of the Escurial –– Copy – Rubens
26. Beatties Minstrel –– Westall
27. Banditti attacking Travellers –– Vandermeulen
28. Ld Thanet’s Children & Dog –– Sr Jos: Reynolds
29. Cattle drinking at a Fountain with Trees –– Gainsborough
30. Admiral 'said to be' Van Tromp. but not like the
Portrait up stairs
31. Europa –– Hilton
32. Gulliver embracing the little finger of the Queen of
the Brobdingnags –– Leslie
33. The Princess Bridget Plantagenet going to the
Nunnery at Dartford –– Northcote
34. Sea view. Indiamen. & Men of War at Anchor –– Turner
35. Sancho. & the Duchess –– Leslie
36. Crossing a ford –– Wouvermans
37. A River. with a man fishing: buildings & trees –– G Poussin
38. Cave of Morpheus - Spencer’s Fairy Queen –– Howard
39. The Archangel leaving Adam & Eve. after
having conducted them out of Paradise –– Phillips
40. Evening. a Pond surrounded by Willows. Sun Set.
Cattle drinking. Men stripping osiers –– Turner
41. A Pug –– Stubbs
42. Charity. Cloathing the Naked –– Opie
43. The Modern Midnight Conversation –– Hogarth
44. Petworth Park. in the year 1798 –– Phillips
45. Musidora –– Opie
46. Shakespeare, Nursed by Tragedy & Comedy –– Romney
47. Echo –– Turner
48. Card Players. –– L. Metsys
49. Beggars –– Le Nain
50. Battle Between Turks and Christians
51. From the Wife of Baths Tale. Chaucer –– Fuseli
52. Evening Landscape –– Poussin
53. Head of a Man - oval H –– copy– Vandyck
54. Portrait of Pope. K.C. –– Richardson
55. Vertumnus & Pomona –– Hoppner
56. Charles Visct Cranbourne son of Willm Cecil [***]
He was the brother of Anne Countss Salisbury of Northum.
= berland. This is a repetition of this portrait at Hatfield by Lely – WL
57. Jael & Sisera –– Bedal
58. Portrait of the Earl of Egremont with a Dog . HL – Phillips
59. Cupid & Venus –– WL – Beechey
60. Lord Grenville –– HL – Phillips
61. Cressida & Diomed –– Large – A. Kauffman
62. Macbeth & the Witches –– Do –– Sr Jos. Reynolds
63. Thomas Rich. Earl of Warwick - copy from
that in the Warwick Collection – WL –– Vandyck
64. The Offering of the Wise Men –– Small no. – Albert Durer
65. Landscape. Copy from Gainsborough – copy – Butterfield
66. Landscape Copy - Do –– Do –
67. Two Men on Horseback. Talking to a man on foot. – Wouvermans
68. Portrait of Robert Hopton of Wytham. C of
Somerset. was the father of Ralph Ld Hopton. & Catherine
his only sister & heir. wife of Sr John Wyndham . HL
69. Portrait of Miss Julia Wyndham. now Mrs Hasler-as Flora – Sr Wm Beechey
70 Portrait of a Knight in Armour – Large HL
71 Sandpit & Figures –– Teniers
72. Sandrocks. figures. & the Country beyond –– Teniers
73. A Black horse & a Brown one being saddled. A Ca
=valier Talking to another in the window above –– Cuyp
74. The Card Players –– Opie
75. The Picture Gallery of the Grand Duke Albert –– Teniers
76. The Ascention –– West
77. Scene in Windsor Park –– Howard
78. Landscape with figures & architecture –– J. Mile
79. Apotheosis of the Princess Charlotte –– Howard
80. Tragedy & Comedy. Mrs Charlotte Smith. & Lady Hamilton – Romney
81. Portrait of a man in red.
82. Smothering the Princes in the Tower –– Northcote
83. Landscape
84. Lion Hunting –– Northcote
85 Fruit –– Michel Angelo De Campidolio
86 John Knox preaching. (Sketch for larger picture at
Sr Robert Pals.) –– Wilkie
87 The ferry –– J. Chalon
88 Charles 2d Whitehall –– Stoop
89 Kitty Fisher with a letter –– K.L. –– Sr Jos: Reynolds
90 Jessica out of the Mustard Pot –– Turner
91 Richard 3d viewing the young Princes at the Tower –– Northcote
Red Room near The Gallery
92 Ld Rodney –– HL – Sr Jos: Reynolds
93 Prince Boothby –– HL – Sr Jos: Reynolds
94 The Mistress of Prince Boothby –– HL – Sr Jos: Reynolds
95 Sir Robert Shirley the youngest son of Sr Thomas
Shirley of Westminster, & having accompanied his brother
Sr Anthony Shirley into Persia, was sent by the Sophi
Ambassador to the Pope Paul 5th who recd him with
great splendour. He was advanced to the dignity
of Count by the Emperor of Germany –– Vandyck
96 Dame Elizth Shirley who was a Persian Lady
brought to England in 1612. Baptized Elizth: married
to Sr Robert Shirley - They both continued the Persian
Costume - Engraved by Hollar in Nicholls History of
Leicestershire - in Adolphus’ British Cabinet –– Vandyck
97 Lodovick Stuart. Duke of Richmond &
Lenox, at Garton Preston. There is a portrait of him
by Rubens, and one at Gorhambury. He was Steward
of the Household to James 1st. He died suddenly
in 1663. Wilson’s life of James 1st for some
curious particulars of him –– Van Somer
98 Frances Howard Duchess of Richmond, was
married to Piannel, a rich vintner’s son, who soon
left her a widow. She was then courted by Sr G. Rodney,
who upon hearing that she was married to Edward
Seymour, Earl of Hertford, wrote her a copy of verses in
his own blood. & then fell upon his sword. She next
married the Duke of Richmond . & after his death was
was said to aspire to the Kingdom – At Norfolk House is
a head of her – WL –– Vandyck.
99. Alicia Marie Carpenter. Countess of Egremont
in the Princess’s Coronation robes – WL –– Gainsboro'
left unfinished at Gainsborough's death but finished by other Artists
dress & action changed by S. W. Beechey in part.
100. Ralph Ld Hopton of Wytham. Was the oldest general
in the Kings army, where he signalised himself at the
battle of in 1643 – He was obliged to retreat before
Fairfax, for want of an army to contend with him, but
was as great in his retreat, as he had been in his victory.
He died at Bruges in 1653 during the interregnum – WL –– Van Somer
101. Mary Curzon. Countess of Dorset. WL. Dau[ghter]
of Sr George Curzon, of Croxhall in County of Derby.
She was Governess of James D. of York in 1638. WL – Vandyck
102. Two whole length Portraits of Bishops kneeling. both
Pictures in one Frame, divided only by a gilt partition. WL – Reubens
103. A Female figure, looking up, her elbow on a stone
block. dressed in white muslin, with a white Turban
on her head. HL – Mistress of Prince Boothly –– Sr Jos: Reynolds
104. A Lady seated, dressed in black with a white collar
& Cuffs of lace –– HL –– Rembrandt
105. A Landscape, with two figures in the foreground – Gainsborough
106. Garrick & His Villa –– Zoffany
107. View up the Thames from Eton College –– Turner
108. Louis XIV Dauphin at Lisle –– Dirk[***]
109. Death of General Wolf –– Penny
110. A river scene. Moonlight ––
111. Head of a Man ––
112. A River with a Castle on a rock some figures
on the bank in the foreground –– Wilson
113. Landscape –– Cuyp
114. Landscape – snow on the ground ––
115. Landscape Rocks. Trees. & figures on Horseback –– Botte
116. King William at the Battle of the Boyne –– Dirk Maas
117. Portrait of Gen'l: Mars SH –– Mac'Call
118. Head of a Boy –– SH –– Murillio
119. Portrait of Henry Howard Earl of Northampton. head
in a full ruff & hat. There are several Portraits of him
but this most resembles one at Castle Howard, taken
towards the decline of life. He was the second son of Henry
Howard E of Surrey the most elegant poet of his age
Northampton is celebrated in the History of his Country for
his extraordinary learning. His profound knowledge & practice
in political intrigue. Ob: 1634 aged 74. He originally built
Northumberland House –– SH
120. Philip 3d of Spain on Horseback – S
121. A nobleman at prayers & two Pilgrims – S –German
122. Portrait of an Old Man –– HL
Long Dining Room, or Carved Room–
123. Portrait of Charles 1st on Horseback, a Sketch for
the Larger Picture in the Royal Collection –– copy WL – Vandyck
124. Lady Elizth Howard. Countess of Northumberland – HL – Sr P. Lely
125. Portrait of a Lady – HL – Sr P. Lely
126. Lady Elizth Percy. Duchess of Somerset. daughter of Joceline
last Earl of Northumberland. & the sole heiress of the House of
Percy. Her son Algernon Seymour, Marquis of Hertford, a
little boy is standing beside –– WL –– Wissing
127. Falstaff Relating His Adventure at Gads Hill
“Eleven good men in Buckram” – S – Clint
128. Charles Seymour the Proud Duke of Somerset. K.G. in the
robes of the Garter. He married Elizth Percy Countess of Northum
–berland. & by that marriage became possessed of all the Percy
estates, & Petworth among them. He built the present house
almost entirely, with the exception of the Chapel. He was so
proud that when his second wife Charlotte Finch kissed him
in the presence of some Stranger, he said that he had never
before suffered her to take such a liberty – WL – Wissing
129. Chichester Canal – Sunset –– Turner
130. Countess of Egremont –– Phillips copy –– Sr Jos: Reynolds
131. Petwork Park – Sunset –– Turner
132. Portrait of Lady Polwarth –– H – Phillips
133. Scene From Taming the Shrew –– Leslie
134. King Henry 8th in a [*]ububly Rich Dress –– large W.L –– Hans Holbein
135. Anne Boleyn –– SH –– Hans Holbein
136. Portrait of Countess Romney. –– H – Phillips copy – Sr Jos: Reynolds
137. Malvolio & Sir Toby Belch –– Clint
138. Portrait of Catherine. Lady Seymour of Trowbridge. She
was the daughter of Sir Gilbert Prynne of Allington
in Wiltshire. Engraved by Brown in mezzotint –– WL –– Jansen
139. Brighton from the Sea –– Turner
140. Portrait of Francis Ld Seymour of Trowbridge. 3rd son
of Edward Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancaster. ob 1604
succeeded by Charles his only son –– WL –– Jansen
141. Petworth Lake –– Turner
142. Countess of Carnarvon –– H.| Phillips Copy. – Sr Jos: Reynolds
143. Scene in Loves Labour Lost –– Clint
144. Portrait of a Lady, Sitting, Dressed in White & brown – Anne Percy Lady Stanhope – H.L – Sr P. Lely
145. Henrietta Maria Queen of England, in blue sattin
& a large black hat. is copied by Jervais from the original
which has since been destroyed by fire - Sir Geoffrey Hudson
is standing beside her, he has a marmoset Monkey on his
hand, which he holds by a silk string. (Walpoles Anec:d Vol 2d
where [there] is a very interesting account of him) Vandycks Portraits
of him are numerous, the last is at Windsor –– W.L. – Vandyck
146. Portrait of a Lady sitting by a fountain – H.L –– Sr. P. Lely
Ante Room to the Carved Dining Room
147. The Marquis of Granby –– HL – Sr Jos: Reynolds
148. Portrait of James D. of York aet. 14. Princess Elizth aet. 12
Henry Duke of Gloucester aet. 8 – The D. of York has the order
of the garter & the date aet. 14. 1647 is placed over him -
With a feeling that does him honour the Earl of Northumberland
obtained permission from the Parliament to indulge the
King with interview with his children, who were placed
in the Earls custody as often as his Majesty thought proper
a liberty of which Charles frequently availed himself at
Sion House. This Picture was probably given in consequence
of the Earls liberal Conduct. The picture is about the
size of a large whole length reversed –– Sr P. Lely
149. Alexander King of Scotland. saved from a Stag, by
Colin FitzGerald. Sketch for a larger picture – S – West
150. A Committee of Taste – S –– Van der Borch
151. Boors Drinking & Playing Cards – S – D. Teniers
152. Sr Issac Newton sitting leaning on a Pedestal inscribed with
plans of a Hemisphere –– HL – Sr G. Kneller
153. Nymph & Faun –– HLR – Titian–
154. Conversation –– HLR – Guercino
155. Sr Edward Coke - The great Lawyer. author of
Coke upon Lyttelton –– WL
157. Landscape with Beasts –– KCR – Rubens?
158. Sir Wm Wyndham. n. 1633. ob. 1583 – HL – Sir P. Lely.
159. Portrait of a Gentleman. there is an inscription on
it “Olim Memenisse Juvabit.” –– S H.L. – Holbein
160. Concert of Birds –– Hondecouter
162. A small Head –– Pourbus
Marble Hall
163. Admiral Dow –– H – Sr Jos: Reynolds
164. Miss Stephens –– H – Harlowe
165. A Lady’s Portrait –– H – Sr Jos: Reynolds
166. Portrait of a Lady –– H – Sr P. P. Rubens
167. J. Macpherson. The producer of Ossian – H – Sr Jos: Reynolds
168. Portrait of Vandyck – oval - copy – H – Sr A Vandyck
169. Portrait of a Lady –– oval –– H – Rembrandt
170. Small head of a youth –– Bronzino
171. A very small picture of a man with a Hawk ––
172. Portrait of a Lady. - Small –
173. Portait of P Cespides –– AD 1600 – S
174. Head of a Man –– Holbein
175. A very small Head
177. Head of a Man –– s – Venetian
178. Cervantes ––
179. A small picture of a woman ––
180. Portrait of an Old Man ––
181. Portrait of Marischal Jureune –– oval – Frank Hals
182. Portrait of Rembrandt –– oval – Rembrandt
183. Portrait of the Duke of Urbino –– Raphael
184. Head of a Boy ––
185. Small portrait of a Gentleman ––
186. Portrait of an Officer –– H – Sr J. Reynolds
187. Cardinal de Medicis –– Titian
188. Portrait of the Earl of Guilford –– H –– Sr Jos: Reynolds
189. A Spanish Head –– SH
190. A Head of a Woman –– SH–– Pordenone
191. Head of a Man with a Ruff –– SH
192. Portrait of a Man in Armour –– S
193. Small Head of a Woman –– S
Ante-Room to the
White & Gold Room
194. Jane Temple. Countess of Portland. daughter
of Mr. John Temple of East Sheen, Surrey. She was
the widow of John Ld Berkely of Stratton when remarried
to Wm Wentworth Earl of Portland – HL – Dahl
195. Lady Mary Somerset. Duchess of Ormond. second
Daughter of Henry D. of Beaufort. & wife of James
Butler D. of Ormond –– HL – Dahl
196. Sarah Jennings. Duchess of Malbrorough. sitting
with the gold Key as Chamberlain of L. Anne - Daugr
& Co-heir of Richard Jennings of Lanridge in Hertfordshire
first Lady of the Bedchamber to L. Anne. who distinguished
herself by the active part she took in the Politics of that
Reign. Her memoirs were published by herself. See likewise
Grammont for anecdotes of her early life –– Kneller
Pope has described her under the Character of “Alossa”.
See also Coxs Life of Malborough –– HL – Sr G. Kneller
197. Battle of Vittoria –– Jones
198. Napoleon Buonaparte, when 1st Consul,
painted in 1802 partly from a minature of Isabey,
and partly from actual observation. oval. – H – Phillips
199. Battle of Waterloo –– Jones
200. Lady Rachel Russell. Duchess of Devonshire.
She was the daughter of Duke Willm Russel –– H.L – Dahl
201. Lady Anne Capel. Countess of Carlisle only daugh:
of Arthur first Earl of Essex. Wife of Charles Howard
then Earl of Carlisle – Upon the death of Lady
Elizth Capel her oldest sister, Sr Willm Temple pub-
=lished a letter of condolence to her mother in which
he told her “to rouse the invincible spirit of the Percy’s
never yet shrunk at any disaster. –– HL – Dahl
202. Louis XIV at Fontainbleau. Stag Hunting –– Van der Meulen
203. Barbara Talbot. Lady Longueville –– HL –| Dahl
204. Louis XIV at the Siege of Maastrecht –– HL – Van der Meulen
205. Margaret Sawyer. Countess of Pembroke. Only daugt
of Robt Sawyer of High Clen in Hampshire, & Wife
of Phillip 7th Earl of Pembroke –– HL – Dahl
206. Dutch Canal –– Cuyp
207. Queen Anne –– WL – Sr God. Kneller
208. Holy Family –– Venetian
209. Juliana Allington. Lady Howe. daugt of
Willm Allington of Horseheath. & Wife of Scrope. Viscount
Howe –– HL – Dahl
210. A small head of a woman ––
211. Two figures –– S – Watteau
212. Portrait of Peg: Woffington –– H – Hogarth
213. A head –– S
214. A small Picture of Ld Chas. Seymour –– S
215. Mary Magdalen –– S
216. Landscape –– S
White & Gold Room
217. Lady Ann Carr. Countess of Bedford, only
Child of Robt Carr Earl of Somerset & Countss of Essex
his wife. Lady Anne was the mother of the Patristic
Willm Ld Russel. beheaded in 1683 – another Portrait at
Woburn –– HL – Vandyck
218. The Triumph of Death –– S – sketch for larger picture – West
219. Lady Dorothy Percy. Countess of Leicester. eldest
Daughter of Henry 9th Earl of Northd. She was mar:
=ried to Robert Sydney Ld Lisle. afterwards Earl of
Leicester, by whom she was mother of a numerous
family. One of her sons was the Patristic Algernon
Sydney – Another portrait at Penshurst –– HL – Vandyck
220. Port of Naples –– Vanvitelli
221. Two Portraits Josceline of Brabant & the Lady
Agnes de Percy. from a stained gllass Window – HL – Jordaens
222. Henry Percy. 9th E of Northd sitting in a pensive
posture & leaning on a table upon which is a di
=agram, describing the principle of the Lever & a
Horologe - He amused himself during his long and
unjust confinement in the Tower in the society of
learned men. There is a portrait of him at Castle Howard–
SrHenry Worthen was painted in the same attitude with
a Motto Philosopheme –– HL – Vandyck
223. Dogann. Venice – Vanvitelli
224. Lady Lucy Percy Countess of Carlisle. 2nd daugt
of the 9th Earl. She married James Ld Hay. afterwards
Earl of Carlisle during her Fathers imprisonment in 1617
& against his consent. The Earl owed his release 4
years afterwards to the interest of his Son in Law –
Wilson in his Life of James 1st says “that she was solem=
=nized in the poems of the most exquisite wits of the time &
that she was an incomparable beauty” – Ld
Clarendon speaks severely of her political intrigues.
Another portrait of Lady Carlisle by Vandyck is at Lee
Priory. Kent. The Countess of Leicester & Carlisle
are two of a set. of 12 Portraits engraved from Vandyck – Vandyck
225. Lady Elizabeth Cecil. Countess of Devonshire
engd by Lombard. 2nd Daugr of Willm Cecil E. of Exeter – Vandyck
226. Landscape – River Scene with Cattle – Cuyp
227. Hercules Strangling the Serpents –– S copy – A. Carracci copy
228. Monks & Poor People –– S
229. Priests Giving Away Bread –– S – Teniers
230. Nymphs & Fauns –– S – Polemburgh
231. A Circular Portrait. Boy –– S – Schalken
232. Head of the Virgin –– oval. S – Sepi Ferratta
233. Portrait of a Lady –– SH
234. Lady Burrell as Hebe –– HL – Sr. W. Beechey
235. Old Mans Head –– S – Pourbus
236. Young Mans Head –– S – A. Carracci
237. Holy Family –– S – Aug: Carraci
238. From the History of the Stuarts – Hume, Vol 2.P31.8 – Smirke
239. Landscape Woman Milking – S – Teniers
240. Landscape –& Figures –– S – Van der Meulen
241. Christ & Nicodemus –– S – P Neets
242. Landscape, Small –– Ferg
243. Three Heads in a Round Shield (united) –– S
244. Chalres 6th Emperor of Germany. King of
Spain, visited Charles Duke of Somerset at
Petworth in 1703, to whom he presented this Portrait – H – Kneller
245. Queen Anne –– H oval – Kneller
246. Dada. Nuncio from the Pope – 1687 –– H – Kneller
247. Charles Duke of Somerset –– oval – H – Wissing
248. Earl of Chatham –– Crayon – P. Hoare
249. Duke of Orleans –– small copy by Drummond from – Sr. Jos: Reynolds
250. Duchess of Somerset. & Edd 6th –– S ––
251. Mrs Angelo on Horseback –– Stubbs
252. Duchess of Somerset & Child –– S
253. Mrs King –– H – Lucas
254. Sir Nicolas Bacon –– SH
255. Lady Adelaide Fitzclarence –– SH – Lucas
256. Charles Duke of Somerset. on Horseback at
the Betting House. Newmarket. Many Figures –– Seymour
257. Lady Augusta Fitzclarence –– SH – Lucas
258. A Portrait of an Old Lady –– SH
259. Portrait of R. Ladbroke Esqre –– H – Phillips
260. Portrait of a Lady in a Ruff –– Flemish
261. Mr Kingsman –– SHL – Phillips
262. Bacchante – SH – Romney
263. Lord Howell –– H – Phillips
264. 1st Earl of Egremont –– from Crayon. Copy H – Phillips
265. Wm Gardiner Brother to Vist Mountjoy – H – Sr Jos: Reynolds
266. Portrait of Milton –– SH
267. Meeting of the Sovereigns at Petworth in 1815
with Portraits of the Company Then Assembled – Phillips
268. Portrait of Mrs King –– S – Leslie
269. Head of Pope
270. Portrait of Lady Burrell –– S – Leslie
271. 8 Pictures on Copper of small figures. Tobit & the
Angel 272. a simple figure 273. St John 274. St Peter
275. St Paul 276. Woman & Child 277. Monk 278.
St John the Baptist –– S – Adam Elsheimer
279. Portrait of Bishop Ferns –– H – Phillips
280. Sr Thomas Tyrwhit Usher of the Black Rod – H – Phillips
281. Earl Macartney –– H – Phillips
282. Monsr de Colonne –– H – Phillips
Square Dining Room
283. J. Wilmot Horton, Earl of Rochester – H – Sr G. Kneller
284. Sr Charles Percy. 4th Brother to the 9th E. of Northd.
He was settled at Dumbleton in Glouscestershire
where he had an estate in right of his wife & was buried
there. 1628 He was attainted with his brother Josceline
Percy for having taken part in Essex’s rebellion
but both recd the Queens pardon –– Large HL – Vandyck
285. Sir Geo: Rooke. The Famous Admiral of L. Annes
Time –– oval – H
286. General Fairfax –– Walker
287. Lady Anne Cavendish. Lady Rich. She was
the only daughter of Willm Earl of Devonshire mar?
first to Charles Rich. son of Charles E. of Warwick &
secondly to John E. of Exeter – Ob: 1703. Another portrait
at Wrest. & one formerly in the Wharton Collection pur
=chased by Sir R. Walpole. Waller wrote a Poem on
her death –– HL – Vandyck
288. Algernon Percy. 10th Earl of Northumberland
Lord High Admiral with Lady Anne Cecil
his wife, & their Daughter. Of this picture there is a
repetition at Hatfield, a single Portrait at
Grove in Hertfordshire Ld Clarendons, at
Cashisbury, leaning on an anchor, & at Audley
End – Engravings by Van Dalen, another with his titles
very rare, & that by Houbraken. Taken from this pic-
ture at Cashisbury he is represented with his
daughter Elizth widow of Arthur Ld Capel, by Lely – Vandyck
289. Head of Woodward the actor with a masK – H – Sr Jos: Reynolds
290. Head of Charles the 5th
291. Head of a Man with a Long Brown Beard – H – Tintoretto
292. Ld Josceline Percy with a Dog. He was the 11th &
last Earl of Northumberland – HL – Sir P. Lely
293. Philip 2nd King of Spain – H
294. Endymion Porter. She was maid of honour to
Queen Henrietta –– HL – Vandyck
295. Head of a Man with a Ruff –– oval –– H
296. Hency Percy Second Son of the 9th Earl of Northd
created Baron of Alnwick. He was the faithful
servt of Charles 1st by whom he was enobled in 1643
made Governor of Jersey & a General of the Royal
Army – He defeated Sr William Waller at Cropedy
Bridge. He followed Charles 2nd & was his Lord
Chamberlain. He died at Paris unmarried ––
Much is said of him in the Sydney Papers 2 vols Fols. 1746 – HL – Vandyck
297. Head of a Man with a Black Hat & White Feather – Titian
298. Head
299. Mountjoy Blount. Earl of Newport. &
George Ld Goring. This here George, Sr Geo: Goring was created
Ld Goring of Hurst Pierpoint in 1629 & Earl of War
-wick in 1654 – This was one of the earliest pictures
by Vandyck. Clarendon has given a very dis-
–criminatory, but severe account of him – L.HL – Vandyck
300. Head ––
301. Small Head ––
302. Lady Adelaide Fitzclarence –– H | Lucas
303. Rt Honle James Fox –– Risinga after – Sr Jos: Reynolds
304. Lady Dorothy Sydney Countess of Sunderland– En
=graved by Lombart. She married Henry Ld Spencer
of Wormleighton. created E. of Sunderland in 1643, in
which yr he was killed at the battle of Newbury in the 23d
yr of his age. She was celebrated by Waller, under the prettiest
name of Sacharissa –– HL – Vandyck
305. Sea Piece –– De Vlieger
306. Copy –– from Vandyck
307. Venus & Mercury Teaching Cupid –– copy – Corregio
308. Henry 7th –– SH
309. Henry 8th –– SH
310. Portrait of a Boy –– WL – C. Jansen
311. Portrait of Elizth Governess of the Low Countries
She was sister of Charles 5th Emperor of Germany.
312. Cardinal du Bois –– H
313. Holy Family –– H – Raphael
314. Head of a Man –– [** *** antico]– H. Holbeins–
315. Head of a Man ––
316. Portrait of Joceline de Percy 11th & last Earl
When a Boy with a Newfoundland Dog –– H – Sr P. Lely
317. Portrait of an Old Man with a Book –– oval
318. Duke of Bedford –– H – Hoppner
319. Portrait of a Lady Sitting in an Armchair in
a Rich White Silk –– HL – Titian
320. Boy in Brown –– H – Titian
321. Large Landscape. The Agreement of Jacob & Laban – Claude
322. Head –– H
323. Portrait of a Lady –– HL – Titian
324. Charles 1st –– copy H – Vandyck
325. Holy Family –– Andrea del Sarto
326. Holy Virgin & Child –– KC – Sr Jos: Reynolds
327. Portrait of a Lady –– Holbeins
328. Portrait of a Lady –– Holbeins
329. Game & Dogs –– S – Fyt
330. Game & Dogs –– S – Fyt
331. Portrait of a Boy with a Dog –– Van Somer
Ante Room to
Square Dining Room
332. Lady E. Bukely. Lady Craven & Her So – HL – Sr Jos: Reynolds
333. Contemplation –– S –– Alston
334. Prince Rupert –– HL – Van Huysom
335. Henry Earl of Thomond – HL Sir G. Kneller
336. Lady Elizth Percy. Duchess of Somerset – HL – Sr G. Kneller
337. Charles the Proud Duke of Somerset – HL – Sr G. Kneller
338. Marquis of Granby Giving Money to a Sick Sol=
=dier & His Family – S – Penny
339. Portraits of Henry 8th Henry 7th Edward the 6th
Elizth Queen of Henry 7th & Jane Seymour ––
“anno Domini 1547. Aetatis suae 10.” “Remigius Van
"Lampert fecit A. D. 1663” –– R. Van Lampert
340. Composition of 5 Figures. A Man in Armour. his
Hand on the Bosom of a Woman Holding a Globe – Copy – Titian
341. View in Venice –– Canaletti
342. An Architectural Landscape –– S
343. A Landscape –– S – Wynants
344. Portrait of Countess Cowper –– HL – Lucas
345. Landscape –– S – Botte
346. Architectural Landscape with a
Pyramid –– S
347. The Grand Canal. Venice –– Canaletti
348. Othello Act 2d Scene 12th Small Figures –– Opie
349. Conoisseurs Quarrel –– Hogarth
350. Prince Eugene & the D. of Malborough. Both on Horse-
=back –– Wyck
351. Philip Melancthon –– HL
352. River Scene –– Wilson
353. A Young Lady in Blue & White –– HL – Sr P. Lely
354. Storm in the Alps with a Torrent
355. Scene from De Freischutz –– J. C. Wouder [?]
356. Boors Drinking –– Teniers
357. Landscape –– Claude
358. Soldiers Drinking & Smoking –– F. Bol
359. “Anna Austriae Hispaniae Regina” –– H
360. Landscape. Cattle in the Foreground ––
361. A Female Head
362. King Edward 6th attributed to Holbeins. This young
King sat frequently for his portrait to Hans Huel. &
Marc Willems artists mentioned in Walpoles anec:tes. It
is probable that these portraits were brought to Petworth
by the D of Somerset. who inherited them from the Protector.
363. Portrait of Alicia Maria Carpenter Countess
of Egremont – HL – Hoare of Bath
364. Large Landscape. Troops Crossing a River ––
365. Fortress on the Rhine –– Van der Meulen
366. Portrait of the Duchess of Queensbery, as a Milkmaid –– Sr G. Kneller
367. Sir Beville Greville. Anne Leger his Wife &
John E. of Bath their son- Sr Beville was slain at
the battle of Lansdown –– Vandyck
368. The Battle of the Nile. The Orient on Fire –– Serres
369. Portrait of a Man with a Letter in his Hand – H – Titian
370. Portrait of an Old Man in White ––
371. Interior. Man Filling His Pipe –– Teniers
372. Landscape Road. Low Wooden Bridge –– Hobima
373. Lady Egremont. Coll George. Lady Bunell.
Coll Henry. & Mrs King When Children – WLR – Romney
374. Oval Portrait of Lady Sefton –– H – Sr Jos: Reynolds
375. Head of a Man. –– H – F Hals–
376. Mans Head - A Shield in the Corner with
These Arms. Or. A Raven Proper ––
377. Old Man in a Chair –– Maas
378. Landscape –– Hobima
379. Buildings on the Sea Shore –– Claude
380. Landscape with Troop of Figures –– Van Uden
381. Interior of a Cathedral –– Steen Wyck
382. Spaniels & Ducks –– Fyt
383. Sir William Wyndham in the robes of Chancellor
of the Exchequer –– HL. Sr G. Kneller
384. Earl of Egremont & Lady Carnarvon –– Hoare of Bath
385. Salmacis & Hermadrophitus –– Albano
386. Scene on the Sea Shore ––
387. Countess of Carlisle Consulting Lilly the
Astrologer –– Cawse
388. Portrait of the Revd Mr Ferryman –– Phillips ––
Pictures in the Bed Rooms
Lord Percys room. or China paper room
389. Charles Duke of Somerset –– HL – Sir G. Kneller
Cartoon Room
390. Lady Charlotte Finch Duchess of Somerset – WL – Sr G. Kneller
391. Lady Wyndham –– H
392. A little girl ––
Alcove Room
393. Goats ––
394. Portraits of Queen Elizabeth | S
395. Elizth Allington – Lady Seymour – HL – Sir G. Kneller
396. Nathaniel Palmer of Fairfield – H
397. Frances Wyndham his Wife –– H
398. Mrs Kirkwhite in yellow sattin –– copy – WL – Vandyck
399. A little child in dress of the 16th Century
400. Algernon Seymour. E. of Hertfold. Afterwards
Duke of Somerset. died without issue 1749 – HL – Sr G. Kneller
401. Frances Thyme eldest Daughter of the Honble
Henry Thyme. Only son of Thomas Ld Viscount Wentworth
married Algernon Seymour D. of Somerset. She died
in 1754 and was buried in Westr Abbey –– HL Sr Godfrey Kneller
402. Josceline Percy 11th & Last Earl of Northd –– HL – Sr P. Lely
403. Lady Elizth Seymour mard Henry O’Brien Earl of
Thomond. & died without issue in 1734 ––
404. Portrait of a Lady –– H
405. Portrait of a Gentleman –– H
406. King William 3d in Armour –– Sr G. Kneller
407. King George 3d –– LHL – Ramsay
408. Queen Charlotte –– LHL – Ramsay
409. A Young Lady –– HL – Kerseboon
410. La Duchesse de Mazarine – HL – Sr G. Kneller
411. A Lady with Fruit – HL – Kerseboon
412. “The Queene of Englande” a bad copy – Vandyck
413. Lady Catherine Seymour. Marrd to Sir Willm
Wyndham Bart –– Sr G. Kneller
414. Catherine Lewson Lady Wyndham.
Daughter of Sir Will[ia]m Lewson Gower Bart
mard Sir Edward Wyndham Bart. She died in
1704 –– HL – Sr G. Kneller
415. Countess of Suffolk –– HL – Sr G. Kneller
416. Amelia. Of Nassau Lady Ossory –– HL – Sr G. Kneller
417. Henry St John. Lord Bolinbroke –– HL – Sr G. Kneller
418. Mary Clara des Champs de Maresilly
Marquise de Villette & Visctss Bolinbroke – HL
419. Lady Elizth Wriothesley Countess of Northd, youngest
daughter of Thos Earl of Southampton by his 2nd wife Elizth
daughter & Co heir of Francis Leigh Earl of Chichester
Lady Elizth Wriothely mard Joscelin Percy 11th and last
Earl of Northd. She mard secondly Ralph Ld Montague
ambassador from Charles 2d to the French Court
who was afterwards created Duke of Montague by
Queen Anne ––
420. Percy Earl of Thormond – H – Copy by Phillips from Hoare of Bath
421. Charles de Jong Brother to the Marchioness of
Blandford –– WL
422. Jane Wyndham mard to Sr Richard Grosvenor
Bart only daughter of Sr Edward Wyndham by Lady
Catherine Lewson –– HL – Sr G. Kneller
423. Lady Anne Seymour md Peregrine Marquis of
Carmathon. Was 3d daughter of Charles the proud D of Somerset
She died Nov: 27. 1722 –– HL
424. Catherine Lewson Lady Wyndham – " – Sr G. Kneller
425. Sr William Wyndham & Lady Catherine Seymour with
2 Children. Ly Catherine was his first wife. He
mard secondly Maria Catharina daugr of Mr. Peter de Jong
of the Province of Utrecht in Holland. & relict of Willm
Marquis of Blandford who died in 1731––
Sir Willm had 4 children, 2 sons & 2 daughters Sr Chas:
who succeeded him. & Percy O’Brien. Afterwards E of
Thomond & Baron of IBrickan –– Sr G. Kneller
426. Lady Elizth Seymour. Mard to Henry O.Brien
E. of Thomond, who died in 1734 –– HL
427. Sir Chas. Wyndham. when a Boy, with a bow in his
hand. He was the son of Sr Willm & afterward. Earl of
Egremont ––
428. Sr Edward Wyndham md to Catherine Lewson
& had issue Sr Willm Wyndham & one daughter
Jane mard to Sir Richard Grosvenor of Eaton. –– H
429. Maria Catharina de Jong Marchioness of Blandford
mard secondly to Sr Willm Wyndham. ––
430. William Marquis of Blandford –– WL
431. Mary Queene of England –– H
432. Sir Henry Sydney. Was Lord Deputy of Ireland
& Warden of the Welsh Marches, in the reign of Queen
Elizth. His character & administration [***] [***] de-
-lineated by himself in the Sydney papers. he was
the Father of Sir Philip Sydney –– H
433. Lady Mary Dudley. Wife to Sr H. Sydney – WH – Sir Antonis Mor
434. Lady Frances Devereux md to Wm Marquis of Hertford
Lady Frances was the sister of Robert Devereux Earl of
Essex, the Parliament General. She was 2d wife to
the D. of Somerset –– WL – Cor: Jansen
434. Thos. Percy 7th E. of Northd aetatis suae 38. Anno Dom. 1566.
Die Dec. 5th – He is kneeling. & the motto “Esperance in Dieu
ma comphort” is in the Corner –– WL
435. Willm Ld Marquis of Hertford. Elected Knight
of the Garter 1649. & by act of Parliament Restored
Duke of Somerset. A.D. 1660 –– WL – Cor: Jansen
436. King Charles 2d –– WL – Sr P. Lely
437. King James 2d –– WL – Sr P. Lely
437. Mary of Modena. 1st wife of James 2d –– WL – Wissing
438. Sea piece. Storm with Shipwreck –– Vernet
439. Lady Ann Henry. daughr of Ralph D. of Montague – HL – Dahl
440. Battle of the Boyne –– Wycke
441. A Small Head
442. Lady Stapleton. daughr of Lady Gerard – Dahl
443. Hall of State at Venice. Doge. Councillors & Other
Figures ––
444. Vulcan & Venus –– Rottenhamer
445. Landscape –– S Brower
446. Do –– Brower
447. Carnival at venice ––
448. Concert of Birds
449. Small circular Landscape – Mile
450. Do Do –– Mile
451. Hooks & Figures –– Carl du Jardin
452. Lady Elizth Wriothesley Countess of Gainsborough
mard to Edmund Noel, Earl of Gainsboro'. she was
the eldest daugr & Co-heir of Thos E. of Southampton – Sr G. Kneller
453. Half Length Portrait of a Man in Black –
454. Sarah Jennings Duchess of Mulborough – WL – Sr G. Kneller
455. Half Length Portrait of a Lady in Grey –– Sr P. Lely
456. Lady Ann Percy Countess of Chesterfield
457. Anno Do: 1641. Ferdinanthus Nigilus et fratres
…cum soror – Syl…Hyacinthus Antonius
Marcellus Hieronymus Augustinus Maria Julius
Ceasar Alexander – Quorum Primus 1640…Roma…
...sua….nondum Egnaldus…a proper Patre.
Depicus…Remnants of an Inscription on a large
whole length with portraits of 8 Children
458. Portraits of a Gentleman & Lady. A Boy Behind Play-
=ing the Guitar –– LWL
459. Two Dogs ––
460. Portrait of a Lady in blue ztanding by a fountain – HL
461. John D. of Montague –– Sir G. Kneller
462. Nathaniel Palmer of Fairfield – HL
463. Earl of Pembroke
464. Lady Wadham – Aeta suae. 60. A.D. 1595–
She was sister of John 1st Lord Petre
465. Sir Nicholas Wadham aeta suae 62: A.D. 1595
of Merrifield Country of Somerset. founder of
Wadham Coll: Oxford. Florence Wadham his sister
& Coheir was the wife of J. Wyndham Esqr
466. Admiral van Tromp –– HL – copy – Vandyck
467. Josceline E. of Northd Ld Chas. & Ld Francis Seymour
468. x
469. Oval Head of a Lady –– Sir G. Kneller
Head of the Grand Staircase
470. The Prince Regent on Horseback
Painted the Size of Life –– Phillips
Head of the White Staircase
471. Sir Wm Wyndham Bart on Horseback When
A Young Man. By Kneller. The horse by Wootton. He–
was the only son of Sir Edward Wyndham of
Orchard Wyndham in Somersetshire, born in
1687, died 1740. He mard Catherine sister of Algernon
Duke of Somerset –– Sir G. Kneller & Wootton
472. Henry Percy 9th E. of Northd in the dress he wore
in the Low Countries "in 1602" –– WL
473. Monke E of Albemarle –– WL
474. Elizth Percy Countess of Northd & Duchess of
Somerset –– HL
475. Portrait of a Lady –– HL
476. Portrait of a Gentleman –– HL
Old Library
477. Landscape –– Artois
478. Virgin & Child –– Carlo Maratti
479. Landscape Road & Cart Horses –– Burnett
480. Herodias with the head of John the Baptist – Fuseli
481. Macbeth & the Witches –– Fuseli
482. Miss Kinsman –– H – Hoppner
483. Ld –– oval – Sr Jos. Reynolds
484. Ben Jonson –– H – Hoppner
485. A Venetian Portrait ––
486. The Honle Harriet Lamb & the Honble Emily Lamb
Countess Cowper, when young. unfinished – Hoppner
487. The Canterbury Pilgrims –– Blake
488. Portrait of Thomson. Poet. –– H – Hudson
489. Col. Henry Wyndham
490. Col. Geo: Wyndham – Sketches for larger pictures. – Phillips
491. Lady Burrell –– Reinagle
492. Col. Geo: Wyndham –– Harlowe
493. Portrait of a Lady of Queen Marys Time –
494. Windsor Castle –– Griffier
495. King William 3d
496. A Mans Head –– Fuller
497. Captn Wyndham –– Harlowe
498. A Lady in Lilac with Crimson Scarf –
499. Tea Table Conversation –– Hogarth
500. Landscape –– G Poussin
501. Head of a Female. Time Henry 7th –
502. Landscape & Cattle –– Burnett
503. Maurice Prince of Orange – H
504. Mans Head in Helmet imitation of –– Rembrant
505. Oliver Cromwell –– KC
506. Satan in the Infernal Regions –– Blake
507. M. Ernest –– H – Gainsborough
508. A Lady –– Copy from a miniature. – Phillips
509. A Mans Head –– 1598
510. Portrait of a Horse –– Davis
511. James D. of York. & Lady Ann Hyde – HL – Lely
512. Landscape. small upright –– G Poussin
513. Mary Queen of James 2d –– H
514. Master Betty (Young Roscius) in Armour – H – Northcote
515. Cupid Riding & Taming a Boar –– Arnold
516. Lea Pier –– Van de Vette
517. Landscape with Figures Dancing –– Swanesdale
518. Portrait of a Man with forked red beard 1559
519. Old
520. Old Woman Sewing –– Modern Flemish
521. Landscape –– G. Poussin
522. The Discovery –– Stiphanoff
523. Lady Weeping & Man Following Her –– Flemish
524. Lady Burrell –– Beechey
525. Landcape. Cattle –– Burnett
526. Sea Piece small –– V de Vette
527. Jacobs Dream –– Alstone
528. Ladies Bathing –– Nollekins
529. Woman with Rose Bud –– imitation of Rembrandt
530. Lady. Portrait –– HL | Hone
531. Landscape with Figures
532. Last Judgement –– Blake
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