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N1    Given to Mrs Selwyn & paid
2) Given to Lady Cornwallis & paid
3) Mr Horace Walpole thinks both these Originals at Length of Lord & Lady Townshend are stil in my hands
to be ready at his call when his house in the country is furnish'd.
Memorand Mrs Selwyn knows that Lady Townshend borrowed a
rich Peticoat that had been the Queens of her for the Painter
to put to her Picture in order__
The account from Raynam mentions a Copy of this, but then
there must have been an Original said for Horace Walpole
9 . . . . Mistress Selwyn can tell my Lord that he sat for
His half Length for her, wh[ich] she thought of none
but half length pictures for her best room__
13 NB Baron Vere’s, the head a copy of the picture Original,
which with Sir Roger Townshend’s stand chargd in my ac
book, according to the practice of all Painters, at 36. 15.
that is, 5 Guineas for the head Copy, & 30 Guineas, the figure.
14 but both are chargd’ to Ld Townshend as merely Copyes.
15 Lord Townshend’s mother mad. from a half to a full length, also
charg’d but 10 Guineas . . 40 Guineas less than my customd
price in these 3 articles __
N.B. Lady Cornwallis had a half length of Lady Townshend, given
her by my Lady, which I never charg’d at all, & last year
out of pure respect to the family, made it into a full Length to
match my Lord Townshends – also gratis___
All this unask’d __ the Childrens great
Picture with 7 figures, I took but half price for, as my
Receipt in full to my Lady will shew ___ etc . . . .
18 Immediately after the installation Ceremony, my Lady order’d a
Picture of my Lord to be prepar’d at length in the Garter robes, it is
among the Copies, & I can’t say which, my Ld not having sat ___
Mr Waters shew’d Mr Heyman his Book with 4 . .15 the gold
frame for Baron Vere & 5 shill the case___

Transcription of Charles Jarvis (Jervas) memorandum of 1733, Raynham Hall Archives 353
Photo courtesy of Martin Postle (All rights reserved)
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Pictures done for Lord Townshend  1733
by Charles Jarvis.                         £
No 1 Lord Townshend for the Duke of Newcastle at length 
in the Coronation robes. 42 . . 00
2 Another for Mr Horace Walpole with  ) coronation robes 42 . . 00
3 Lady Townshend in robes at Length ) 42 . . 00
4 pd Lord Townshend in Garter robes for Ld Scarbrough 42 . . 00
5 Ld & Lady Townshend half Length copyes for)
6 Mistress Coll. Townshend  . .  ) 21 . . 00
7 The two gold frames to do . . . .   4 . . 4
8 pd Lord Townshend at Length in Garter Robes) for Mr Henry Pelham copy. ) 21 . . 00
9 pd Lord Townshend half Length in Garter robes            ) for Mrs Mary Selwyn . .  ) 21 .  00

10 pd Mistress Coll Townshend half Length for Ld Townshend  21 .  00
11 pd Lord Townshend in Garter Robes at Length for) Mr Poyntz for the Congress (copy) ) 21 . . 00
12 pd A rich gold frame for Do.  14 . . 00
13 pd Baron Vere of Tilbury at Length copy 21 . . 00
14 pd Sir Roger Townshend at Length. Copy 21 . . 00
15 pd Ld Townshend’s mother half Length by Sir Peter Lely) made into a full Length and lined   .   .   .      ) 10 . . 10
16 pd Ld Townshend half Length, begun by Sir G. Kneller) one sitting, the robes for Do, also unfinish’d .   .  )  5 . .  5
17 pd A rich gold frame, with the case made by Wm Waters,)

for the Original Head of Baron Vere  ) 5 . .  0
18 Lord Townshend in Garter robes for my Lady,  ) a Copy, but to be made an Original at Length   ) when she had got my Lord to sit for it ___        

Transcription of Charles Jarvis (Jervas) memorandum of 1733, Raynham Hall Archives 353
Photo courtesy of Martin Postle (All rights reserved)
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For the Rt honble the Lord Viscount Townshend
by Charles Jarvis. 1733.
Baron Vere at Length . . . . 21. 00
Sir Roger Townshend Do. . . 21. 00
Ld Townshends mother made a full Length . . 10. 10
Mrs Coll Townshend 21.       00
Ld Townshend to Mr Poyntz . .  21.  00
The gold frame for Do . .  14.  00
Ld Townshend begun by G. Kneller. 5.. 5
A frame for Baron Vere’s Head . .  5..
£. 118...     15.
1733    Rec’d June 27th of Mr Heyman by Order of
my Lord Townshend one hundred eighteen pounds
fifteen shillings for Pictures & frames Deliver’d
as per Bill ____                       Charles Jarvis.

Transcription of Charles Jarvis (Jervas) memorandum of 1733, Raynham Hall Archives 353
Photo courtesy of Martin Postle (All rights reserved)


Country House
Raynham Hall
Transcription of Charles Jarvis (Jervas) memorandum of 1733, Raynham Hall Archives 353

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  • Castle Howard Raynham Hall

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