No 1 Given to Mrs Selwyn & paid
2) Given to Lady Cornwallis & paid
3) Mr Horace Walpole thinks both these Originals at Length of Lord & Lady Townshend are stil in my hands
to be ready at his call when his house in the country is furnish'd.
Memorand Mrs Selwyn knows that Lady Townshend borrowed a
rich Peticoat that had been the Queens of her for the Painter
to put to her Picture in order__
The account from Raynam mentions a Copy of this, but then
there must have been an Original said for Horace Walpole
9 . . . . Mistress Selwyn can tell my Lord that he sat for
His half Length for her, wh[ich] she thought of none
but half length pictures for her best room__
13 NB Baron Vere’s, the head a copy of the picture Original,
which with Sir Roger Townshend’s stand chargd in my ac
book, according to the practice of all Painters, at 36. 15.
that is, 5 Guineas for the head Copy, & 30 Guineas, the figure.
14 but both are chargd’ to Ld Townshend as merely Copyes.
15 Lord Townshend’s mother mad. from a half to a full length, also
charg’d but 10 Guineas . . 40 Guineas less than my customd
price in these 3 articles __
N.B. Lady Cornwallis had a half length of Lady Townshend, given
her by my Lady, which I never charg’d at all, & last year
out of pure respect to the family, made it into a full Length to
match my Lord Townshends – also gratis___
All this unask’d __ the Childrens great
Picture with 7 figures, I took but half price for, as my
Receipt in full to my Lady will shew ___ etc . . . .
18 Immediately after the installation Ceremony, my Lady order’d a
Picture of my Lord to be prepar’d at length in the Garter robes, it is
among the Copies, & I can’t say which, my Ld not having sat ___
Mr Waters shew’d Mr Heyman his Book with 4 . .15 the gold
frame for Baron Vere & 5 shill the case___